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Overwhelming victory press BOOKS

Overwhelming Victory Press is the Publishing House for Overwhelming Victory. Our books are written & edited by experts in their fields, and deal with at least one tier of our 3 Tier Paradigm, to help equip the Local Sports, Recreation, & Fitness Minister, to better reach their community.  

From Barriers To Belonging

by Dr. Vickie Byler

"Each and every person has value and is valued by God! Every person has a need to be accepted and valued for who they were created to be!" Dr. Vickie Byler has compiled a theological and methodological collection of strategies and stories to help the local church Sports, Recreation, and Fitness minister in reaching those dealing with disabilities in their communities.

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Sports Theology Book Cover 1a - Christmanship

Christmanship: A Theology of Competition & Sport

by Dr. Greg Linville

This book is a Theological; Philosophical; Methodological; Ethical and Historical examination of Competition, Sports and Sports Outreach Ministry. It includes a template for determining Biblically Defensible Sport, seminal explanations and considerations of theologically sound competition & sport and a full explanation of how to worship and honor Christ in and through athletics.


Sports Outreach Fundamentals

by Dr. Greg Linville

This book is the second installment by Dr. Greg Linville and Overwhelming Victory Press in the Institute of Sports Ministry Series that discusses biblically-based philosophical principles for strategically relevant and efficiently effective disciple-making.

Sports Theology Book Cover 2a - Sports Outreach Fundamentals
Book Cover 3a - Putting the Church Back in the Game

Putting the Church Back in the Game

by Dr. Greg Linville

This book is CSRM’s third installment in our Institute of Sports Ministry Book Series. It gives a clarion call for local churches to recognize they are ordained by God to reach those far from Jesus, and that Sport, Recreation and Fitness Outreaches are the most strategically-relevant and efficiently-effective methodologies congregations have to "get back in the game" of Gospel-Centric, Evangelistic-Disciplemaking. This is the first book in the series that lays the theological foundations written by Dr. Greg Linville who is joined by contributing authors: Greg English (Minister of Recreation - Cool Spring Baptist Church & Adjunct Professor of Chowan University) and P. F. Myers (CSRM's International Director).

putting the church

The Saving of Sports Ministry

by Dr. Greg Linville

Dr. Linville challenges churches, ministries and missions to evaluate their Success-Statistics.  By that, he calls into question how many true Disciples of Jesus each church and ministry are “making.” This book challenges the Sports Outreach Community to truly accomplish The Great Commission mandate…even in this generation!

Book Cover 4a - The Saving of Sports Ministry
Life of the shoe

The Life of the Shoe (second edition)

by P.F. Meyers

The Ministry of the Shoe is the first practical Sports Outreach Ministry book written specifically for the International Sports Ministry Community and emerges out of the life experiences of both the author and other indigenous leaders from around the globe. It articulates solid Christo-Centric, Theological-Truths; Biblically-Based, Philosophical-Principles; and Strategic, Relevant, Efficient & Effective Methodological-Models, that if understood and applied, can catalytically empower local churches to accomplish their world-wide, Great Commission goals. Envisioned as the 8th book in the Institutes of Sports Outreach Series, it explains and expands the book series's Sports Outreach transferable concepts for international application. Authored by the modern day Apostle Paul of Sports Outreach, this book provides both the pragmatic "how-to's" for all Sports Ministers as well as the "Academic" Theologies and theories for University and Seminary courses. Additionally, through the telling of many stories from around the world, the reader will find practical application and inspiration to trust God more fully and grow in their calling, vision, and ministry.



by Dr. Greg Linville

The fifth volume of the Institute of Sports Ministry Series. Will The Sports Outreach Community continue to organize and administrate the same old sports and fitness programs or will it choose to embrace a radical re-envisioning of missional sports outreach?   Are sports ministers satisfied to run the same old leagues or will they boldly decide to engage in a catalytic re-inventing of reaching those far from Jesus through sports?  Are fitness ministers content with large numbers of participants in their fitness ministry who improve their physical health; or will they commit to gospel-centric, Evangelistic-Disciplemaking that will enable not only physical fitness but more so, enable those far from Jesus to embrace Him as Savior.  Are sports ministers content to have buildings that are filled with activity; or do they long for Holy Spirit empowered missional outreach.  Are you directing a morning-to-evening sports and activity ministry or mobilizing missional sports outreach for eternity?

The overwhelming majority of SR&F outreach ministers deeply desire to “go and make disciples" and this book is written for each one of them.  It is written for all who want to transform their sports activities and fitness programs into a dynamic missional sports outreach.

The future of the Sports Outreach Movement depends upon a “sail-adjusted,” refocusing on mission that can only occur if it truly comprehends missiology (the theology of missional outreach) and know how to apply its principles to envision how to organize and structure SR&F outreach ministry that is truly a Strategically-Relevant and Efficiently-Effective mission that reaches those far from Jesus and His Church. 


It is hoped that each and every reader will embrace the vision for this book and choose to become missional in all they do.

Sent - Sports Missiology
Theology Book - Sports Ministry

Sports Ministry That Wins

by Dr. Jimmy Smith

Each new generation of the local church Sports Outreach Community needs to breathe new life into the movement they inherit.  Sports Ministry That Wins is just such and expression.  The Editors and Authors of the handbook warmly embrace a rich heritage they now steward, but more importantly provide the content to ensure its continued relevance for the Next Generation.  A must read for the current, and all future generations, of local church Sports, Recreation and Ministry leaders, Sports Ministry That Wins will serve as a foundation resource for Sports & Recreation degrees, Sports Ministry Certificates and sports-related, para-ministry training, but even more so, it is a compendium of essential, pragmatic ministry tools that will greatly enhance and expand any congregation seeking to use sport, recreation and fitness to reach those far from Jesus and His Church. Chapters are written by ten recognized leaders and topics include: evangelism; leadership; small church; recruiting & retaining coaches; marketing; facilities; conflict management; and measuring success.

sports ministry that wins

Rugged Discipleship

by Dr. Steve Conner

Connor's book, Rugged Discipleship, is a unique, fun and motivating fusion of Biblical principles, adventure literature and travelogue while always encouraging the reader to be and make rugged disciples. The writer introduces us to the North Georgia mountains, a wee village in Scotland, jumping trains to Canada, adventures in India, mysterious friends in Cambodia- from wild skydivers and a motorcycle stolen in Bulgaria. Each story reveals something Connor has learned through failures and successes in the context of working with people. The lessons learned have something of the radiance of Divine leading and purpose shining through. An inspiring Read. - Dr. Jerry Root, Author and C.S. Lewis scholar, Professor Wheaton College and Bill Graham Center of Evangelism.

rugged discipleship
Rugged Discipleship
Maintaining Pace

Maintaining Pace

by Bryan Mason

Spiritual growth along life's journey. This book is a must read for those who want to serve Christ with enthusiasm until the final whistle. Inspirational!

maintaining pace
Image by Jessica Ruscello


Take a look at some of the books written by our Ministry Partners, available for purchase in the CSRM Store!

Into the Stadium

Into the Stadium

by Bryan Mason

Sport is at the heart of today's culture. Whether it's a bunch of friends doing aerobics at the local gym or the millions tuning in to Champions League football, even the couch potatoes can't escape it. This book provides a superb resource for individuals and churches who want to integrate sport into their evangelism strategy and it comes from one of the country's leading practitioners in this field. Bryan Mason and his colleagues at Christians in Sport have helped thousands of believers to make the connection between sport and their Christian faith.

into the stadium

A Sporting Guide to Eternity

by Dr. Steve Connor

Divided into topics which will be relevant to us (such as anxiety, beauty, dealing with competition and prayer) this is a devotional for sportspeople - whether active or just armchair experts. Steve Connor shows how the message of Christianity can have a transforming effect on the life of sports-minded men and women of every discipline.

A Sporting Guide to Eternity
sporting guide
Character Counts for Athletes

Character Counts for Athletes VOL 3

We have a major problem in our society - a lack of character. Does character count? We say a resounding "Yes" - it does matter! We propose that character does count and society is placing a higher premium on character. The purpose of this book is to identify qualities that will make a winning difference in your life. Make it your plan to examine at least one character quality each week. Read the short sports story, then do the Pre-game Talk, Warm-up, Character Training, Go the Distance, The Finish Line and the final chapter exercises. The book is designed to interact with others in a small group setting. If you are leading a group, create an environment where you can freely exchange thoughts and ideas. (Volume 3)

char counts

Characters of the Bible

by David Waddell

As we study the Bible, we may believe we are far removed from the people described on those pages. After all, many played significant roles in helping Jesus spread the gospel. Most of us find it difficult if not impossible to picture ourselves in that disciple-type role because we are sinful and don't always make the wisest decisions. Characters in the Bible: Finding My Stories in Their Stories author David Waddell shares his discovery of his similarity to characters in the Bible. He found a relationship with the woman in John 8:11. He saw himself in a crowd of Pharisees urging punishment of a woman who did something they had done or wanted to do. Waddell was the woman looking for love in all the wrong places. He was the woman at the mercy of Jesus who was forgiven of all her sins without defending herself. Waddell realized the connection he had with biblical characters because like him, and like us, they were sinful. And if we're truthful with ourselves, we can be mean, deceitful, conniving, and abusing, just like many people described in the Bible. Yet God used them for His purposes, and He will use us if we let Him. In Characters in the Bible: Finding My Stories in Their Stories, we can find comfort in knowing we are just as flawed, goofy, wrong, and misdirected as these biblical characters. It is through the lives of these people that we can see so much of ourselves.

Characters of the Bible
characters of the bible
Holiday Biblical Characters

Holiday Biblical Characters

by David Waddell

As we read the stories of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus it's easy to believe we are removed from the stories and observe the events from afar. In Holiday Biblical Characters: Finding My Stories in the Stories of Christmas and Easter, David Waddell, author of Characters of the Bible: Finding My Stories in Their Stories, once again correlates stories from his life and finds similarity with the characters in the stories of the Bible. He finds himself offering gifts to the Christ child and later denying that he even knows Him. We can find comfort in knowing that while we are just like Biblical people, we too can know the grace God offers to all.

Holiday Char

Worship Wars

by David Waddell

How do you worship? Where do you worship? Do you believe worship should be traditional, solemn, and reverential, or should worship be contemporary, lyrical, and lively? These questions about the proper venue, style, or manner in which we worship seem to never go away in Christianity. But is there a right answer? 

In Worship Wars, author David Waddell explores this question by going beyond style and taking a more personal view of worship. With both humorous and earnest reflections on his own flaws, faux pas, and failures in worship, Waddell looks to the Bible and to the kings of Israel and Judah, where he reveals an order of worship using the stories of the kings as examples to teach better worship practices. 

No one is perfect in their worship habits and patterns, but the Bible offers a way for worshippers to have the freedom to worship in spirit and in truth, regardless of the style. Whether our individual acts of worship are traditional, contemporary, or a combination of each, we can all discover a lifestyle of worship in spirit and in truth that will please God and bring us all closer to Jesus.

Worship Wars
worship wars
Cell Call from Paul

A Cell Call From Paul

by David Waddell

In his "taking the Bible personally" theme, author David Waddell relates the issues Paul dealt with in the letters he wrote while in prison. That day's topics send a definite message to our current culture about what defines our identity in Christ. 

cell call

The Call of a Mentor

by Coach Dwight McDowell III

The Call of  Mentor is a book about how we started a sports program and it turned into a ministry in the middle of destitute times within our neighborhood. There were prostitutes, drug dealers, gang bangers all in a  poverty stricken community.  The Call of a Mentor tells you how to speak to parents and neighbors and help them become a part of transforming their own community as a unit. This book/CD will speak to spouses coaches, mentors and families.  Are you ready to accept the call? Are you the one?

call of a mentor
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